La Raison Du Plus Faible 2006 Torrent

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Slow at times but served with an outstanding cast and a cinematography perfectly matching the protagonists lack of escape, 'La raison du plus faible' remains a movie to be seen A movie that seems to whisper: 'continue to dream or die' This is also a story about choices where everybody takes his own responsibility a story where there are no bad guys but no good ones, a terrible story made of laugh, tears, blood and sorrow�. What would you do if you had no perspective, no money and only dreams to be shattered? What would you do if the system was not allowing the possibility of a better life for some or redemption for others? What would you do if your more and more precarious life was being pushed that close to the edge? Would you react or would you fall? 'La raison du plus faible' provides us with an answer by telling the story of these men who will believe again that a dream is feasible and who will take arms to get the money where it is and steal it because they believe this is their rights. The movie could be depicted as a 'social' thriller if not a socialistic one that has the merit to dig up questions buried away by our sometimes inhuman society.

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This is a story about friendship, a story that opposes decency and adversity, bitterness and boredom 'La raison du plus faible' from Lucas Belvaux is a story about 4 men, 1 woman and a kid.